
Hello Jen

My name is Rob and you recently did a shoot with my wife, Sam, for my birthday. First let me say that I LOVED my gift. The album was extremely nice and your pictures of her were beautiful. I like your work a lot. My father was a professional photographer so I have been around photography my entire life, even though I have no talent for it.

The main reason for this email is to thank you as well for the confidence boost working with you has given Sam. She has always been extremely shy in most situations. It's tough to get her in a bathing suit when we have a bunch of people over. She told me multiple times after she gave me my gift how at ease you made her feel and how much she actually enjoyed the experience. She talked about it for days! I can definitely tell a difference in her self confidence...I can even see a little swagger.

No matter how much I love the book, it can't touch how grateful I am for what you have done for her personally. Thank you again and I am sure you will be hearing from us in the future.
